Placebo: A New Musical
Conceived by Danny Abosch and Joshua Borths
Music and Lyrics by Danny Abosch
Book by Joshua Borths
PLACEBO Cast Recording available for FREE download here!
PLACEBO is now available for licensing. Click here for more information.

Photo by Chris Dzombak
“PLACEBO is unique, clever and tuneful,
venturing into new musical theatre territory never mined before.”
-Jason Fortner, Broadway Cafe Society
“This concept recording will prompt many listeners to wonder when this giddy, utterly delightful new tuner will reach a stage near them. The show focuses on the populace of a small town that’s willingly suckered into believing in a miracle cure-all drug. While the recording doesn’t fully indicate how Joshua Borths’ satiric book will play, Danny Abosch’s tunes are an infectious, ear-pleasing joy, particularly the exuberant “Everything You’ve Ever Dreamed Of” in which the population of Silverville falls into the thrall of the titular drug.”
-Andy Propst,